To refresh your memory a PLN is a Personal Learning Network. What is a Personal Learning Network? According to Developing a PLN in EDM 310 by John Strange, a PLN is those people, places, organizations, and activities which enable you to learn. When I first started this class I made a Twitter account specifically for EDM 310. I also have a personal Twitter account for my personal interests. If you think about it, my personal Twitter account can serve just as important on a PLN as my class Twitter. Even though one is for school and the other is for my own personal interests, I am still learning from both. I am learning things every day through my personal account. It may not be as useful as educational learning, but I follow people such as Fox News and CNN so I am able to quickly see the things happening around the world on the go and learn the conflicts happening everywhere. I follow famous people and believe it or not, a lot of them do other things that can be quite beneficial and educational. For instance, Leonardo DiCaprio is a big environmentalist. He has made a $7 million pledge to save the oceans. He has warned that the oceans are in danger of being destroyed by climate change, illegal fishing and other human activities. These are just a few examples of things I learn every day on my personal Twitter account. I do feel that my PLN won't expand much further than this, but you never know. Anything can change.
I really enjoyed this post Aimee. I use Twitter almost everyday, and have learned many things from it as well!